Quality Services
lab testing services in Coimbatore


Quality Services
Accurate Result
lab testing services in Coimbatore


Accurate Report
Quick Process
lab testing services in Coimbatore


Quick Process
Customer Support
lab testing services in Coimbatore


Customer Support
lab testing services in Coimbatore

Multi-Disciplinary Testing Lab in Coimbatore

Specialized Testing Services(STS) lab provides you the high-quality lab testing services in Coimbatore. Our lab is equipped with state-of-art technologies to provide you with the most advanced and reliable lab testing services in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. STS Lab is comprised of a technically trained team with highly skilled technicians. Furthermore, good infrastructure and sophisticated Instruments assure you reliable and accurate lab testing results. As one of the leading chemical testing labs in Coimbatore, we do testing and analysis for a wide range of products. It includes drinking water, food & baked products, soil, edible oil, agriculture products, herbal & ayurvedic, cosmetics products, briquettes, coal items and other materials.

We Are Trusted Experts & We Keep Things Simple

We ensure before you give your test samples in our testing lab in Coimbatore, without any wonder we will keep our words till the testing process gets end.

Tests Per Day
Tests & Counting
Customer Retention
Satisfied Clients

Our Lab Testing Services

Our STS Lab offers a wide range of testing on groundwater, wastewater, and drinking water quality testing lab in Coimbatore. Even more analytical lab services with complete support.

STS Lab is one of the best food testing & agriculture product testing laboratories in Coimbatore. We specializes in providing precise analysis for a wide range of testing requirements, ensuring accurate results that meet the specific needs of our customers.

Our lab provides the herbal testing in Coimbatore with over 7 years of experience. We are specialized in Ayurvedic and herbal products testing, above all one of the best Ayurvedic product testing lab.

Our technical lab staffs provide the cosmetics lab testing in Coimbatore. We offer to test all cosmeceutical products testing lab in Coimbatore for providing precise & accurate product results for leading a better life.

Experts are affording the Briquettes and Coal Testing in Coimbatore with Sampling, Analysis & Inspection. STS Lab conducts testing of coal, coke & other fuels as per NABL standards with perfect accuracy results for every customer.

We also prefer the cooked food products testing in Coimbatore and used to test for everything from contaminants to making sure there is a sufficient amount of nutrients in each cooked food and bakery products.

Our Testing Methodology

Sample Collection
oil analysis laboratory coimbatore

Sample Collection

We offer nationwide edible oil testing services with easy sample submission and expert staff.

Sample Processing
oil analysis laboratory coimbatore

Sample Processing

The high demand for lab testings in Coimbatore highlights our careful sample handling and thorough parameter analysis

Accurate Test Results
oil analysis laboratory coimbatore

Accurate Test Results

At STS Lab, we prioritize quality with the latest technology and meticulous checks for precise testing.

Reports Delivered

Reports Delivered

We provide accessible lab reports and offer client consultations to address and resolve all test result issues.

Our Clients

Now, We Have The Facility for Surface Hygienic and Monitoring Swab Test in Coimbatore

We are advanced and specialized swab testing lab in Coimbatore with all the facilities for surface hygiene and monitoring. As one of the well-known and leading lab for swab tests in Coimbatore, we analyze and monitor tests for personnel, equipment, uniforms, and air samples from any Industries, Hotels, hospitals, etc. Our team of technically trained technicians and skilled professionals will combine and work together for giving out the high-quality and standard swab test results in Coimbatore. For the best and most accurate swab results, you can confidently choose our testing laboratory in Coimbatore.

  • STS testing lab is an ISO 9001 certified lab below quality management. Besides, we’ve made 7+ years of experience in lab testing that will positively ensure the best lab testing service providers in Coimbatore.

  • If client’s lab testing fails with any of issues, we do consultancy with our clients regarding those issues and make our clients go on safest sides.

  • STS Lab provide reliable water, food, oil, chemical, herbal, metal testing lab and soil testing services in Coimbatore and also across India! It doesn’t matter which part of Coimbatore or India you live in, you can send a sample on couriers for accurate lab testing results.

Industries that we served



Elevate your cosmetics with expert lab testing services.



To enhance product quality, and ensure regulatory compliance.



Enhance pharmaceutical excellence with our testing lab services.



Ensure food safety and quality with our lab services.



Building trust through precise testing for construction excellence.

Explore Our Customer’s Review

Sathiyas Global
15:05 23 Aug 24
Good service, reasonable charges, on time delivery, thanks STS lab.
07:56 26 Apr 24
ponmani saravanan
14:21 30 Sep 23
Very satisfied for testing results and reasonable charges.
Sureka balaji Balaji
17:59 24 Sep 23
Ramakrishnan D
14:29 10 Sep 23
Accurate reports.Affordable service charge,,Good service
T Ravi
08:39 07 Sep 23
Best services, reasonable charges, very much satisfaction with test results and delivery time.
Lavanya Kumar
14:18 06 Sep 23
Got good response and Received good service. Price also reasonable.
Jothi Mani
14:12 06 Sep 23
Best customer services. Deliver results on time. Good guidance and reasonable charges.
Maddy Vijayakumar
06:32 06 Sep 23
The best testing lab in Coimbatore,Very good service,All are latest version equipments,The have fast reporting with over good staff also cooperative
food product testing lab in Coimbatore

Food Testing Service

Specialized Testing Services(STS) lab is limited to fully furnished with all the necessary equipment which are required for complete food product testing and analysis. We also provide consulting services required for new food products in research and development fields. Being accredited by ISO 9001 certified lab below quality management. The customs we follow are in accordance with several national & international standards. We own a specific food testing labs in Tamilnadu for taking out the tests as well as operating the most advanced instruments. We also analyse of food & agricultural products as per FSSAI, BIS, EIC/EIA, APEDA & European (EU) standards, FSSA (Food Safety and Standards Act). Contact us today to get customized solutions to meet your needs for food products.

Water Testing Service

STS Lab is an advanced water testing laboratory giving a complete range of water testing and analysis services to various industries, organizations, and individuals. The laboratory is accredited by ISO 9001 certified lab below quality management. We have 7+ years of experience in the lab testing field and are approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards for testing of water to international standards. The laboratory has a team of experts working together to offer a tremendous quality of testing services to clients and is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation. Furthermore, drinking water is a certain need of any existing being. The common primary requirement to ensure good quality drinking availability is to conduct regular drinking water testing.

water testing laboratory in coimbatore
soil lab Testing

Soil Testing Service

STS has an advanced soil testing lab in Coimbatore, Our latest machine helps farmers to check the quality of the soil for cultivation. From the soil testing, we can easily find out the salinity content by the PH level of the soil by whether the soil is alkaline or acidic, moderate PH level will indicate good quality and Nutrient level describes how well the crop will grow in the soil, Our lab test provides micronutrient content in the soil which helps farmers to put only the required fertilizer to grow a healthy crop. Our expert team will guide you to improve the quality of the soil.

About Specialized Testing Services Lab in Coimbatore

STS Lab is one of the best drinking water testing labs in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, including certification of ISO 9001 below quality management. Furthermore provides a wide range of testing of complete water testing and agriculture products like Food grains, Spices, Oil, Honey, Ghee, Tea, Coffee, Bakery products, Nutrition supplements, Health mix powder, Fruits & Vegetables, Alcoholic beverages, Meat, Fish, Water, Soil, Soap & detergents, Briquettes, Cosmetics, Herbal & Ayurvedic products, as per Indian Standard/ FSSAI/ USEPA /AOAC/API/IP Other International Standard / approved methods. If you are searching for the best testing labs near me, then you can easily find STS Lab, since we are located in the main area of Coimbatore. As the leading soil testing lab in Coimbatore, you can get precise test results for agriculture based testings.

Start Testing Now

    Hear what our Client says!

    I’ve tested RO bore water and am very satisfied with their results and reasonable prices. Thanks to STS Lab

    By Vijay Kumar


    Herbal Testing Service

    Herbal lab tests are an easy way to accurately verify that herbal raw materials contain active principles and that the drugs produced using these raw materials have the necessary medicinal properties. Our STS Lab follows the traditional systems on testings of medicine such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy, based on herbal medicines, have long been the bases of healthcare in Coimbatore, and now the world is awakening to the power of these systems. We define the accurate testing results for medicine in various means including oil and water, and the fragility of raw materials and drugs, among others. STS Laboratory has been carrying the herbal tests to verify and ensure the quality of the products for close to a couple of decades now. Contact us to have accurate testing results on herbal products offered by us.





    Feel Free to Contact Us!

    Best Product Testing Lab in Coimbatore

    Quality Testing Lab in Coimbatore

    Our testing lab is comprised of qualified and experienced technicians. We are equipped with an array of advanced instruments for water, oil, material and agriculture product testing lab in Coimbatore. STS Lab regularly offers quality and reliable testing results with client support services regarding their test results. We check the safety measures of food business operators in making a safer zone to have Healthy Food for Consumers through our quality lab testing in Coimbatore.

    • Provide the accurate testing results for each of our lab testing services in Coimbatore

    • We afford our lab testings for reliable, minimum cost-effective & rapid test methods for our every customer.

    • Protect your customers from any contaminated, modified and unhealthy food by testing laboratory in Coimbatore

    • We do testings on alcohols/wine beverages with perfect analysis and accurate lab testings.


    You can contact Specialized Testing Services (STS) via email: stslabcbe@gmail.com and contact over Telephone: 04224980402, Mobile: 09500860005. Please provide your address, contact information and testing requirements by WhatsApp @ 9500860005 or mail @ stslabcbe@gmail.com.

    Please write email @ stslabcbe@gmail.com or WhatsApp @ 9500860005. Please indicate the type/name of products, testing requirements. A quotation with the charges and applicable taxes and testing duration for different testing / analysis will be sent you.
    You can pay through IMPS, RTGS or NEFT in our Company’s Bank Account. You will be provided with the Account No. and IFSC code upon request for directly remitting the payment into our account. Cheque/DD also acceptable.
    As a matter of Policy STS do not extend any type credit for any clients towards testing. In any case you have to make the payment in full either or 50% along with the Sample and balance before the release of results as per agreed turnaround time.

    Samples along with the proper details should be sent to Specialized Testing Services (STS) either in person or through courier to:
    Old.no: 23N / New no: 4A,
    MKG Layout, GN Mills Post,
    COIMBATORE – 29,
    Mobile: 9500860005

    The final signed report will detail the client information, sample description, tests performed and results of such test. It will also indicate if specifications available as per the standard. If you have any marking reference to be included, you have to intimate well in advance while submitting the samples.
    Hard copies of the reports are issued in person or sent via courier and if you require a soft copy via e-mail.
    Please call STS at Telephone: 04224980402, Mobile: 09500860005 to Customer Care In-charge. Each report has a Report No. on the top corner of the report. We can retrieve this report from our records and discuss any issues you may have.

    Your Solution for All Testing Needs Made Simple With Us,
    Committed to Trusted Results!